
DocumentPackSignV1 submits a previously produced document pack to a Kofax SignDoc installation for signing and further handling. Use this call when the documents in a generated document pack have to be digitally signed.

The Document Pack submitted for signing should only contain Microsoft Word or PDF documents. If the document pack contains documents of other types, the document pack is rejected for signing by SignDoc.

The request requires the following fields next to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
documentpack base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary representation of a document pack data structure. This is the document pack submitted for signing and it should contain at least one Word document with signature lines that can be processed by Kofax SignDoc. It should only contain Word or PDF documents.
signdocurl url A URL of the SignDoc Rest API to which the document pack is submitted. This URL should be formatted in the following way: <signdocServerAddress>/<SignDocApplication>/rest/


signdocapikey message The API key used for authenticating calls to the SignDoc API. You can retrieve this key from the SignDoc installation.
signdocpackageid message The SignDoc ID (the name) of the signing package. This should be a new ID consisting of alphanumerical characters, underscores, and minus signs (see the Kofax SignDoc documentation for more information). If an existing ID or empty ID is passed, an error is generated.

The response contains the following fields in addition to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
signdocpackageid message The SignDoc ID of the created signing package. This is currently the same as signdocpackageid that is passed as an input argument. We advise that you use returned signdocpackageid for future reference, as future releases may return a modified ID.