Remove runtime settings

As the runtime settings can be stored at various levels, you can remove any of these settings. As a result, the value for this setting is used at another level according to the runtime settings levels logic, or the default value is used. For more information, see Runtime settings levels.

You can remove a setting using the following command line:

ConfigureInstanceSettings RuntimeSettings!Remove=<Setting Type>!<Setting>

The notations <Setting Type> and <Setting> are also accepted.

Only one setting can be removed at a time. You cannot remove a setting and also request help or a list of the runtime settings at the same time. For the runtime settings, you also can specify a level with the setting to remove. If no specification is given, the setting is removed at the global level.

The runtime settings parameters and their usage:

  • Use the RuntimeSettings!Environment parameter to indicate the environment to remove the setting for.

  • Use the RuntimeSettings!Did parameter to indicate the DID to remove the setting for.

  • Use the RuntimeSettings!DidModule parameter to indicate the DID module to remove the setting for.