
The current version of the API exposes one main call, which is CcmComposerUIAPIV2.Run.Start. It has the following parameters:

  • starturl. String. An absolute URL to KCM, which is the absolute version of the relative URL that is retrieved through the web services call. This URL is accessed from the browser on the client machine. The base of this URL has to be clear to the specific network environment.
  • sessionid. String. The session identifier that is retrieved through the web services call.
  • jobid. String. An identifier of the specific run. Only used to identify the run in logs and during callbacks.
  • elementid. String. The HTML id of the element on the page that contains the user interaction for the document composition.

    This element must have a sufficient width to correctly display user interaction.

  • callbacks. CcmComposerUIAPIV2.Model.RunCallbacks. An object that exposes a number of callbacks that are called to notify the business application of an event.
  • options. CcmComposerUIAPIV2.Model.RunOptions. An object containing some additional options.

The call returns true or false. Any subsequent information is passed through the callbacks.

Also, the API exposes CcmComposerUIAPIV2.Version.Get. This returns the version object with the following attributes:

  • version. String. The software version of the API.
  • build. String. The build number of the API.