Functions and procedures in Libraries

Libraries are a means to create reusable instructions when Master Templates are executed. While Includes are compiled in Master Templates, Libraries are self-contained, dynamic components.

Libraries can contain different kinds of functions and procedures:

  • Formatting functions used to format Fields in Text Blocks.

    You can extend the list of available functions by defining your own format functions in a Library.

  • Filter functions used to filter Text Blocks in Text Block Lists.
  • Export functions and procedures can be used in Master Templates.

    These functions and procedures cannot produce word processor instructions.

  • Procedures that will be used as dynamic exit points.

The following restrictions apply when removing or renaming Libraries:

  • Library functions cannot be renamed or removed after the Code Library has been unlocked.
  • A Library cannot be renamed or removed if an object refers to one of the functions it contains.

For more information on how to create and edit a Library, see the section "Create and edit a Library" in KCM Designer Help.