
KCM Batch & Output Management (also known as KCM B&OM) is an independent extension to KCM Interactive, responsible for the Document Pack composition, modification, and distribution to multiple recipients.

To make reading this guide easier, refer to the Glossary that explains the basic KCM B&OM terminology used in this document.

The core functionality of KCM B&OM gives you the ability to:

  • Continuously process large volumes of requests
  • Continuously (and asynchronously) produce distribution output
  • Distribute Document Packs to multiple recipients
  • Distribute Document Packs over multiple channels
  • Modify Document Packs based on recipient and/or channel
  • Combine output for the same recipient in the same envelope
  • Convert output to a device-specific format

To access KCM B&OM, start KCM Studio.

When you start KCM Studio for the first time, click each of the following buttons:

  • Stuido Navigator: Opens the upper and lower Navigator panes
  • Studio Toolbox: Opens the Toolbox
  • Object Inspector button: Opens the Object Inspector
  • Output pane: Opens the Output pane

For convenience, you can filter the objects listed in the lower Navigator pane to display only the processes:

  1. On the toolbar, click Show filter list .

    The Filter Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Clear all of the boxes so only Process remains selected and click OK.