
The DesignerListTemplatesV1 call retrieves a base-64 encoded XML representing a list of templates from KCM Designer. This list includes both Document Templates and Document Pack Templates which are distinguished by the type attribute. For example, you can use these templates in other calls, such as in ComposeDocumentPackV1 to create a document pack based on the template, or in GetDocumentTemplate to get more information about a certain template.

The request requires the following fields next to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
project repositoryobjectname The name of the project with the templates to be listed.
status name Optional. Only templates that have the requested status are listed. The available statuses are Current, Accepted, or Published. If omitted, published is used.
ondemandonly boolean Optional. Filter applied to template list. When set to true, as of KCM version 5.0, the list contains only non-interactive templates.

The response contains the following fields in addition to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
templatelist base64Binary A base-64 encoded XML structure that lists the available templates in the project. For more information on the format for this XML, see Format for the definitions.