Use the ConfigureInstanceSettings tool

This section provides information on the following commands:

In the Docker environment, use the ConfigureInstanceSettings tool to configure KCM Core instance settings. This tool offers functionality similar to the KCM Core Administrator in a non-Docker installation.

The ConfigureInstanceSettings tool supports a number of different actions, such get help on one or more settings, request a list of settings, set a value for one or more settings, and remove a setting. Only one action can be executed at one call to the ConfigureInstanceSettings tool.

If you want to apply your changes to the settings, restart the services by running the RestartInstanceCoreDPServices tool. For more information, see Use the RestartInstanceCoreDPServices tool.

For some settings to take effect, you may need to stop and start the KCM instance.

If you start the ConfigureInstanceSettings tool without any parameters, it gives you an overview of all configuration types that it manages. The following types of configuration can be defined:

  • DPManager

  • CoreLogging

  • Monitor

  • HttpMonitor

  • JobRecovery

  • JobScheduling

  • Watcher

  • ClientConnection

  • CoreManager

  • RuntimeSettings

The RuntimeSettings type forms a special category of settings. The settings in this category can be used to configure the templates behavior at runtime, which requires working knowledge of template composition. All of the other settings are related to the KCM Core document processor infrastructure where the templates are run.

There is a difference between viewing the values for a specific setting type and all settings types:

  • The list of values for a specific setting type shows all settings.

  • The list of values for all setting types shows only those settings that deviate from the default. Otherwise, the list of all setting types would be very long.