The [ODBC] section contains configuration settings for the database connection.

  • The ConnString (connection string) entry specifies the ODBC driver to use, the database to connect to, and various database options. This entry is set during the installation and can be modified with the SetInstanceDatabase.exe tool. See the "Specify KCM Repository database" section of the Kofax Communications Manager Installation Guide for details.


     ConnString=Driver=ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server;Server=CH01KCMSQADB\CH01KCMSQA;Database=kcm_01_5.5

  • The DSN entry specifies a data source name to store KCM Repository data.
    • DSN = <data source name>
  • The user and password entries can be provided as separate settings, not included in the connection string (in this case, password will be encrypted).

    user = <user to connect to the ODBC DSN>
    password = <password to connect to the ODBC DSN>

    If the password is present in the configuration file in plain text, it is encrypted once a connection with the database is created. You can recognize the encrypted password by its encrypted: prefix.

    To change the database password in the configuration file, replace the encrypted: string with a new plain text password.

    The user account used to access the DBMS must be configured so that its password does not expire, especially because it affects client access.