Manage example web application

A KCM installation can be tested with the sample web application. To specify whether to install this application, use the Registration!ExampleWebApp parameter of the StartInstance tool. StopInstance will subsequently take care of the actual removal of the example web application at the Contract Manager.

When automatic registration is not used at all, or if it fails, you may need to install or uninstall an example web application directly at the Contract Manager itself. The corresponding tools are named AddExampleWebApp and RemoveExampleWebApp.

These tools are located in: <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management.

If started without parameters, these tools will list usage information and show which example web applications are already installed on the system.

AddExampleWebApp and RemoveExampleWebApp should only be used when automatic registration is not used at all, or when it fails. When automatic registration is used, StartInstance and StopInstance will add and remove the example web application according to the information that is registered upon adding the instance, and via SetInstanceRegistration. This takes precedence over AddExampleWebApp and RemoveExampleWebApp whenever the instance is started or stopped.

AddExampleWebApp tool

This tool installs an example web application at the Contract Manager.

It has the following parameters:


Required / Optional Description
Application!Name Required The name of the example web application that will be installed.

After installation it will be reachable at https://<kcm server>:<kcm server port>/<example web application name>/home.html.

Do not use "ccm" as the name of your example web application. For more information, refer to the Known Issues section of KCM 5.8 Release Notes.

Contract!Customer Required Specifies the customer for which the web example web application will be installed.
Contract!Partner Optional Specifies the partner for which the example web application will be installed.

Default is CCM.

RemoveExampleWebApp tool

This tool removes an example web application from the Contract Manager.

It has the following parameters:


Required / Optional Description
Application!Name Required The name of the example web application that will be removed.

ListExampleWebApps tool

This tool lists all example web applications that are known to the Contract Manager.

Use this tool without parameters.