Specify the File parameter

While the first two attached files are used as alternative bodies, the file passed with the parameter File to the command Mail is used to contain human readable headers and a text displayed when the mail client of the recipient does not have MIME enhancements.

Headers listed in the file specified with the parameter File(...) of the command Mail are added to the header of the email.

These are human readable headers:

Subject:  E-mail generated with the Mail command within ITP/Server.
To: "S. Kiddy" <s.kiddy@serverscripts.com>
Reply-to: "Our office" <scriptsRus@itpserver.com>.

There are other headers that you can use. For a description, see the RFC822 document available on the Internet.

You should separate the headers from the body with a blank line.

The body of this file is also sent, but is only shown if the recipient has an email client that does not support MIME enhancements. This file usually contains a message informing the recipient that MIME support is required to read the attachments.

See Examples of the Mail command for a sample MIME message.