Selective tray changes

You can also use the ChangeBins tool to change tray settings with command line parameters. These parameters allow a more detailed configuration of the affected sections.

/Section parameter

You can call the ChangeBins and ChangeBinsW programs with zero, one, or more /Section options. If the ChangeBins script command is used, the /Section options can be provided through the Overrides parameter.

Each one of these options has the following format.

/Section <section>:<first page>[,<other pages>]


section Number of the section to which the changes apply.

The section number should either be the number of the section, or * to affect all sections in the document. It is allowed to have both /Section *:... and specific /Section parameters. In this case the specific settings have priority over the general * setting.

first page Specification for the paper tray of the first page of the section. The following specifications are supported:

  • - No change
  • n Sets the paper tray to tray n.
  • ?n Looks up paper tray n in the configuration file and sets it to the equivalent paper tray for the new printer.
  • ! Takes the paper tray from the document and sets it to the equivalent paper tray for the new printer.

other pages Specification for the paper tray of the other pages of the section. The format is identical to the first page parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the first page parameter is applied to all pages in the section.

If the /Section option is used to apply fixed paper tray numbers, the original printer and new printer parameters of the ChangeBins and ChangeBinsW programs can be omitted. If the specification indicates a mapping and no original printer and new printer are specified, the paper tray is set to auto select.


The following examples change the paper trays of document "test.doc" from printer "old" to printer "new". Examples are shown for both the ChangeBins.exe program and the ChangeBins script command. Examples for ChangeBinsW.exe have been omitted as these are identical to those of the ChangeBins.exe program.

The following is the standard behavior.

ChangeBins "test.doc" "old" "new"

    Document ("test.doc")
    From ("old")
    To ("new");


ChangeBins /Section *:! "test.doc" "old" "new"

    Document ("test.doc")
    From ("old")
    To ("new")
    Overrides ("/Section *:!");