
DocumentPackConvertV1 converts the documents in a document pack to another file format, such as PDF. The new file format is added to the document pack. Existing documents are not removed.

The request requires the following fields next to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
documentpack base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary representation of a document pack data structure. This document pack contains the documents to be converted.
outputformat message The required output format. PDF, PDF/A, and PDF/A-1b are supported.

When you specify the output format, it affects the value of the ContractDocToPDF script's ProducePDFA parameter. The level of PDF/A conformance depends on the script itself. We recommend using PDF/A, since PDF/A-1b is considered a legacy format starting from KCM 5.7.0.

The response contains the following fields in addition to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
ccmsessionid sessionid KCM Contract Manager session identifier. The identifier of the session that was used for the conversion.
documentpack base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary representation of a document pack data structure. This document pack contains the converted documents and updated references to them; otherwise, it is identical to the pack that was originally sent on the request. The conversion only converts the DOCX and DOC documents in the document pack. The DOC format has been deprecated in KCM 5.7.0.