Initial run

The section explains the procedure of data processing during the initial run of the Document Pack Template. We recommend that you get acquainted with this procedure prior to following the guidelines for the Document Pack Template rerun.

A Document Pack Template consists of a Data Preparation Template and a number of relevant slots. For the initial run, the calling application provides input in the form of a Data Backbone. The Data Preparation Template is run using the Input Data Backbone. The Data Preparation Template can modify the Data Backbone either directly or based on interaction with the user, which results in the prepared Data Backbone as output.

The Data Preparation Template does not produce a document output.

After the Prepared Data Backbone is produced, it is used as input for each Document Template and results in both an output document and another Data Backbone, so-called a template result Data Backbone.

The resulting documents and all relevant Data Backbone versions are stored in the Document Pack.