
You can use the command SendFile to upload binary data from KCM Core to the client. This feature requires a synchronous TCP/IP connection or an MQSeries interface.

For MQSeries, this command reads the contents of the file Src and sends it in a message to the queue Dest. It sets the correlation ID of the message to the message ID of the request. For a detailed explanation, see MQSeries protocol in the Kofax Communications Manager Core Developer's Guide. If the script specifies *REPLYQ as the Dest queue, the MQSeries client puts the message on the queue specified in the attributes ReplyQ/ReplyQMgr of the request message.




  • Src: Required. File on the KCM Core side.
  • Dest: Required. For TCP/IP, a client side file identification. For MQSeries, the name of a queue.
  • Timeout: Optional. The maximum amount of time in seconds the command SendFile waits for the upload to complete. If this time is exceeded, the upload is aborted and an error is reported. If this parameter is omitted, KCM Core uses the default timeout interval as configured in KCM Core Administrator. If this parameter is set to 0, the upload does not time out.


The command SendFile does not perform code page translations. For more information, see ConvertCodepage.

If the command SendFile is terminated due to a timeout, the connection to the KCM Core process is reset to ensure that data in transit is discarded and processes resynchronize correctly. This forced reset can result in additional network-related errors in the log for this job. Any further communication from this job between the KCM Document Processor and the client fails. The client is informed that the KCM Document Processor is disconnected.