Enhanced Unicode Support

Use the setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in KCM Core Administrator to control how text comparisons and other text related functions are handled. If this setting is enabled, all comparisons and functions that perform a bytewise comparison are automatically mapped to their character based Unicode aware equivalent when the Master Template is executed.

Enabling these options may cause Master Templates to behave differently if comparisons are performed between C_CHAR (byte) and W_CHAR (Unicode) data, or if there are Microsoft Word instructions mixed with text.

The following table contains description of the mapping applied.

Used in the Master Template When EnhancedUnicodeSupport is Enabled, Comparisons and Functions Map to the Following Characters
< compare_characters
<= compare_characters
= compare_characters
<> compare_characters
>= compare_characters
> compare_characters
text_fragment fragment_of_characters
length number_of_characters
uppercases uppercase_of_characters
uppercase2 uppercase_of_characters
lowercase2 lowercase_of_characters
sort_text_array sort_text_array_characters
sort_text_array_index sort_text_array_index_characters

You can use the pragma "EnhancedUnicodeSupport" to override the setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport locally in the Master Template.