Configure global settings for standard processes

The following settings are configured on the system and are mandatory to run the standard processes.
  1. Select the Administration tab and then click System Administration.
  2. In the central pane, click the B&OM system object.
  3. In the CCM Configuration section on the right, review the following system settings:

    • Default output folder.
    • Default requests folder.
      To start the B&OM processes, ensure that you have full access rights on this folder.
    • Runtime DB Alias. Specifies the run-time database to connect to.
    • Storage folder. This setting is automatically set during the installation of B&OM, but you can modify it. It specifies the root directory path of the B&OM storage folder. This folder is used to store the internal files, such as the results of the different processing steps.

  4. Click the Save button in the upper left corner to save the changes.

    These changes are applied to all objects in the system.

To configure the time when the cleanup of the database entries and files is performed on your system, follow this step:

  1. In the Garbage Collection section on the right, set the Clean Up Delay setting to the number of minutes that the system must wait until performing the cleanup of unneeded and finished stacks and requests.
  2. Save the changes.

Batch & Output Management converts Word documents to PDF in two processing phases:

  1. During composition, B&OM converts all Word output to PDF. This is carried out for all slots and all channels, except for import slots.

  2. If a document pack enters print delivery, all remaining output is converted to PDF. This includes import slots and the slots of import requests that have no PDF output yet. This conversion takes place in the communication step and raises an error if it fails.

    The electronic delivery path does not include the second phase. The import slots and the slots of Document Packs included in import requests are offered "as is" and do not raise errors due to conversion issues.

All conversions to PDF are handled by the KCM Core ContractDocToPDF script, which is a configurable exit point. This script declares which processors are used. By default, it uses Rendition and produces PDF/A for .docx files or it uses Word (via ExportDocToPDF) for .doc files. To change this behavior, you have to edit the script. For additional information, refer to the Kofax Communications Manager API Guide.

The .doc type has been deprecated in KCM 5.7.0.