Copy DID elements to use in a Master Template

In DID Browser, you can copy entries, Fields, and functions and use them in a Master Template script. After you copied an element, paste it in your Master Template script.

Open DID Browser, click the needed element, click Copy, and then select one of the following options, as applicable.

  • Entries
    • To copy the script instructions to access an entry, including its subentries, click the entry and click Copy > Copy.

      WITH X0 IN EXP.Customer DO
      OD (* WITH Customer *)
    • To copy the script instructions to access an entry through Template script procedures, click Copy > Copy - procedure. The procedure includes the PATH/PAR expression and the entry formal parameters.

      PROC customer (CONST NUMBER customer_number)
        WITH X0 PATH EXP.Customer
          PAR(1) = customer_number
          (* Model text *)
        OD (* WITH X0 *)
      OD (* PROCEDURE customer *)
  • Subentries

    • To copy the script instructions to access a subentry, click the subentry and click Copy > Copy.

        WITH X5 IN X0.Address_of_customer DO
        OD (* WITH Address_of_customer *)

    • To copy the script instructions to access a subentry, including the path from the main entry to the subentry, click Copy > Copy - entry path.

      WITH X0 IN EXP.Customer DO
        WITH X5 IN X0.Address_of_customer DO
        OD (* WITH Address_of_customer *)
      OD (* WITH Customer *)

    • To copy the script instructions to access a subentry through Template script procedures, click Copy > Copy - procedure. The procedure includes the PATH/PAR expression and the subentry actual parameters.

      PROC address_of_customer (CONST NUMBER customer_number)
        WITH X5 PATH EXP.Customer.Address_of_customer
          PAR(1) = customer_number
          (* Master Template text *)
        OD (* WITH X5 *)
      OD (* PROCEDURE address_of_customer *)

  • Fields contained in an entry or subentry
    • To copy the Field contents, click the Field and click Copy > Copy.

      Customer_number: @(number( X0.Customer_number ; 0 ))

    • To copy the Field contents and script instructions to access all entries before the entry/subentry that contains the Field, click Copy > Copy - entry path.

      WITH X0 IN EXP.Customer DO
      Customer_number: @(number( X0.Customer_number ; 0 ))
      OD (* WITH Customer *)

    • To copy the Field contents to use as a variable in a Template script, click Copy > Copy - variables.

      NUMBER customer_number := X0.Customer_number