CCMContentApprovalWorkflow contract type

KCM differentiates between two Changeset types:

  1. Changesets created and managed internally by KCM Designer (for more information, see KCM Designer Help).
  2. Changesets created and controlled by an external workflow (see CCMContentApprovalWorkflow V1).

CCMContentApprovalWorkflow handles the second type of Changeset. With this contract type, you can assign a new state to a Changeset, retrieve information on this Changeset, and get a list of all Changesets in a project.

The following rules apply to the Changesets:

  • Changesets created in KCM Designer are always and only controlled by KCM Designer.
  • Changesets created with the DesignerCreateWorkV1call are always controlled externally by CCMContentApprovalWorkflow.