Location of the log files

The log files are text files written to the log directory of the KCM installation. Each KCM Code instance creates a structure of log files matching the installed components.

Example If KCM Core version 5.8.0 is installed on a server named TestServer, log files for KCM Core instance 3 with two KCM Document Processors would reside with the following structure at <deploy root>\KCM\Work\5.8\Instance_03\core\Log.


These folders contain the logs for their respective components. By default, the logs are rotated. The most recent logs reside in the unnumbered file with the .log extension.

You can view logs in a text editor.

Ensure that the account that runs the KCM Core Processes has sufficient authorization to write to the folder that the log files are written to. If KCM Core does not have sufficient authorization in the log folder, it is not able to start any of its Services. If no log files are created by KCM Core, check the Windows event log for error messages.