
If application authentication is enabled, the calling application must authenticate itself on each call to the Contract Manager. The Contract Manager also verifies that the application is authorized to perform the call.

An application is registered with its name, and KCM generates a unique application key for each application. To register applications, use the ManageCM tool, as explained later in this guide.

Application credentials must be passed on the SOAP calls by means of basic HTTP authentication, using the application name as the user and application key as the password.

KCM expects preemptive authentication.

The following operations are available for managing applications with the ManageCM tool:

Also, each application requires at least one privilege to be assigned. A privilege is a permission to use a specific interface or a set of interfaces.

The following operations are available for managing privileges with the ManageCM tool:

For details, see the Use the ManageCM tool section later in this guide.