Configure the KCM Core Directory Watch interface

The KCM Core Directory Watch interface is implemented as a Windows Service that monitors one or more folders and submits synchronous requests to KCM Core based on these files. You can specify a separate folder for every KCM Core Service in the KCM Core Directory Watch interface.

Starting and stopping the Service

Currently no user interface is provided for the KCM Core Directory Watch interface. You can start and/or stop the Windows Service through the Windows Service Manager.

The Service is configured to start automatically when the server is rebooted.

Connecting to KCM Core

The KCM Core Directory Watch interface retrieves the connection configuration from the KCM Core configuration and does not require any additional setup.

Handling connection failures

If the KCM Core Directory Watch interface fails to connect to KCM Core, it logs an error and retries submitting the job until it is accepted. If the job cannot be submitted due to a configuration error, the job is rejected as a failure.

Number of connections

If there are sufficient jobs queued, the KCM Core Directory Watch interface submits two jobs per licensed KCM Document Processor simultaneously. If the license is issued for an unlimited number of KCM Document Processors, the number of simultaneous requests is limited to two jobs per CPU core on KCM Core.

You can explicitly set the number of simultaneous requests to 2 * n by adding the setting ScalingMaxDP=n to the [Configuration] section of the DP.INI file.