KCM structure installation

This section describes the installation of the KCM structure to a single server where it hasn't been installed yet. The KCM structure is a prerequisite for adding KCM components.

To install the KCM structure, use the command-line tool AddKCM.exe.

Additional requirements

This section lists the prerequisites and preparatory steps you have to take before you run AddKCM.exe.

The <deploy root> folder where you are going to install the software, must consist of ASCII characters.

Before you start, make sure that your environment satisfies the general KCM installation requirements.

  1. Prepare the user account for the Windows services of KCM, which will be used by all KCM components. This account must have the local Administrator permissions on the target server.
  2. Unless you only plan to install Batch & Output Management on the server, prepare the user account for the web applications of KCM that will be used by all KCM web components. Additionally, make sure that the server contains Java and Tomcat installations that are supported by KCM.

    The user account can be a local or a domain account. It requires:

    • Logon as a service right.

    • Read and execute permission on the Tomcat installation folder.

    The Tomcat installation must use the default name for its Windows service, depending on the Tomcat version, for example, tomcat8. If you change the service name, both KCM installation and additional instances deployment fail. For more information, see the Tomcat documentation available on the Internet.

  3. If you plan to install the Contract Manager and/or KCM Control Center on the server, designate ports that can be used for public access. The server must be accessible on these ports from all client machines.

    Additionally, prepare a SSL certificate for encrypting connections to those ports. The certificate must be a password protected file in a format that is supported by Tomcat (i.e. JKS or PKCS12). Also assign read permissions on the SSL certificate for the web services user.