
To view the list of parameters for Install.exe, launch it without any parameters.


Required / Optional


Deploy!RootPath Required

The root drive or folder in which the KCM installation will be created.

Internal!HostName Opional

The internal host name of the KCM server. This must match with the Subject Alternative Name of the internal certificate. If omitted, KCM uses the COMPUTERNAME environment variable.

Java!Home Optional

The folder in which Java is installed in your system, either as JRE or JDK. This Java installation will be used for the KCM web applications. If omitted, KCM will use the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Tomcat!Version Optional

The full version number of a Tomcat installation on your system. This Tomcat installation will be used for the KCM web applications. If omitted, KCM attempts to detect the highest supported version from the Windows registry.

Services!User Required

The user account for KCM Windows services.

  • This user must be a local Administrator.
  • This user requires Logon as a service right.

You can specify a domain user account or a local user account. When specifying a local user, place a period and backslash (.\) at the beginning of the parameter.

Example .\AdminUser

Services!Password Required

The password for the KCM services user account.

Webserver!ServiceUser Required

The user account to run the KCM web applications. This account requires the following:

  • Logon as a service right.
  • Read & execute permission on the Tomcat installation folder.
  • Read permissions on the SSL certificate file for the Contract Manager.

You can specify a domain user account or a local user account. When specifying a local user, place a period and backslash (.\) at the beginning of the parameter.

Example .\AdminUser

Webserver!ServicePassword Required The password for the account that web applications will use.
ContractManager!UseAuthentication Required

Boolean flag that specifies whether to enable authentication for executing SOAP calls on the Contract Manager.

  • If set to True, then the calling application should supply an application name as the user name and its application key as the password.
  • If set to False, anyone with access to the Contract Manager can execute any SOAP call on its interface without additional authentication.


The versions of the TLS protocol that are supported for encrypted connections. Possible values are:
  • TLS_11_12_13. Allows TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 .
  • TLS_11_12. Allows TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 .
  • TLS_13. Allows TLS 1.3 .

    At the moment, Microsoft Word does not support TLS 1.3. If you use TLS 1.3 only, you cannot open Word documents in KCM Designer.

When omitted, defaults to TLS_11_12_13.

TLS 1.3 requires support in Java, and support in .NET on the server OS. If you choose to use TLS_13 only, make sure that these requirements are met.


If True, the certificate chain validation for connections between KCM components and the host name validation are suppressed. This way you can enable encrypted internal SSL connections without validating the identity of the internal server through the server certificate.

The parameter's default value is False.



The location of the public SSL certificate file.



The password of the public SSL certificate file.



The location of the internal SSL certificate file.



The password of the internal SSL certificate file.



The thumbprint of the internal SSL certificate in the Windows certificate store.



Boolean flag that specifies whether users can log in to KCM Designer using LDAP authentication.

  • If set to True, users can log in to KCM Designer with their LDAP user accounts.

  • If set to False, users can log in to KCM Designer with internal user accounts that are managed by the KCM Repository server.

Required if you want to enable LDAP authentication.

The configuration file for LDAP authentication.


The main access port for Contract Manager to use. The default value is 443.


The starting point for the ports that must be opened on the internal KCM network. The default value is 10500.



The starting point for the ports that do not need to be opened on any network. The default value is 10600.



Type of the databases that the deployment uses. Enter SQLServer or Oracle.



The ODBC connection string to be used by the KCM Repository server to connect to the database.

Make sure that the database exists on the database server and is empty.

Do not specify user name or password in this connection string. The database user account is configured using the specific parameters described below.

For SQL Server database, consider the following:

  • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication.
  • Windows authentication is also supported. To enable it, leave out the database user and password parameters.

Required for connection to Oracle database or to SQL Server database using SQL Server authentication.

Can be omitted whenever you have a connection string that does not require a user and password, for example, for connection to SQL Server database using Windows authentication.

The database user account that KCM Repository server will use to connect to the database.

Required to connect to Oracle database or to SQL Server database using SQL Server authentication. Make sure the account has the required roles and privileges, as described in the Databases section of this guide.


Required for Oracle database user and for SQL Server connection using SQL Server authentication.

The database password that KCM Repository server will use to connect to its database.

The password cannot contain double quotes.


Optional. Either this or Instance!LicenseServerUrl is required.

The location of the .xml file with the license information.


Optional. Either this or Instance!LicenseFile is required.

The URL to the KTA license server API, for example, https://<machine name>/TotalAgility/Services/Sdk/LicenseClient.


Optional. Required when Instance!LicenseServerUrl has a value.

The API key for the license server access.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

A boolean flag which determines whether the certificate of the license server should be verified (false) or ignored (true).



The number of Document Processors to create for the instance, between 1 and 99.

When using a capacity-based license XML file, this number must not exceed the maximum set in the license. For details, see the License section in this guide.

If omitted, default value will be used:

  • For a capacity-based license XML file — set to maximum allowed.
  • For all other licenses — set to 4.


The password for the KCM Designer Administrator account (created automatically by the installation).

The password must be at least 20 characters long and may only consist of letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and the "-" and "_" characters.

If the specified password does not meet these requirements, a default password will be generated by the installation instead.

This default password will only be available in the output console. To change it, refer to the Change your password topic in KCM Designer Help.


Boolean flag that specifies if the "InstallationTest" example project should be imported in the KCM Repository database.

If omitted, defaults to True.



If set to True, it indicates that execution should continue even when the database access check returns a negative result. It also applies to the B&OM databases.

This might result in a failure later, when the database connection cannot be established.


Optional . Defaults to false when omitted.

Boolean flag that determines whether B&OM will be installed.


Required if OutputManagement!Install is set to True.

The type of repository database to be used by the B&OM. Specify SQLServer or Oracle.


Required if OutputManagement!Install is set to True

Specifies the connection string that Batch & Output Management uses to connect to its repository database.

This cannot be an ODBC connection string. Depending on the OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseType parameter, this must be either a valid Oracle or SQL Server connection string.

  • Primary B&OM installation must be connected to the new empty database.
  • Secondary B&OM installation must be connected to the same database as the primary installation.
Do not specify user name or password in this connection string. The database user account is configured using the specific parameters described below.

For SQL Server database, consider the following:

  • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication.
  • Windows authentication is also supported. To enable it, leave out the database user and password parameters.

Optional. May be omitted if you are using Windows Authentication.

The database user account that B&OM server will use to connect to the B&OM Repository database.

Make sure the account has the required roles and privileges, as described in the Database section of this guide.


Optional. May be omitted if you are using Windows Authentication.

Specifies the password that Batch & Output Management uses to connect to its Repository database.


Required if OutputManagement!Install is set to True

The type of runtime database to be used by B&OM. Specify SQLServer or Oracle.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.


Required if OutputManagement!Install is set to True

Specifies the connection string that B&OM uses to connect to its Runtime database.

This cannot be an ODBC connection string. Depending on the OutputManagement!DatabaseType parameter, this must be either a valid Oracle or SQL Server connection string.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.

Do not specify user name or password in this connection string. The database user account is configured using the specific parameters described below.

For SQL Server database, consider the following:

  • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication.
  • Windows authentication is also supported. To enable it, leave out the database user and password parameters.

Optional. May be omitted if you are using Windows Authentication.

The database user account that B&OM server will use to connect to B&OM Runtime database.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.


Optional. May be omitted if you are using Windows Authentication.

Specifies the password that Batch & Output Management uses to connect to its Runtime database.

This parameter is used only for primary B&OM installation.



A boolean flag that indicates whether an example web application will be created for this KCM instance.


Required if Registration!UseExampleWebApp was set to True.

The name of the example web application that will be created for the KCM instance.

Do not use "ccm" as the name of your example web application. For more information, refer to the Known Issues section of KCM 5.8 Release Notes.


Optional. Defaults to True when omitted.

Boolean flag that determines if KCM Control Center will be installed.


Optional. Defaults to True when omitted.

You cannot use this parameter when ControlCenter!Install is False.

Boolean flag that determines whether KCM Control Center requires authentication of users at an OAuth2 server.



Required when ControlCenter!Install and ControlCenter!UseOAuth2 are True. Otherwise, you should not specify this parameter.

The tenant of the OAuth2 configuration for KCM Control Center.



Required when ControlCenter!Install and ControlCenter!UseOAuth2 are True. Otherwise, you should not specify this parameter.

The client of the OAuth2 configuration for KCM Control Center.



Required when ControlCenter!Install and ControlCenter!UseOAuth2 are True. Otherwise, you should not specify this parameter.

The secret of the OAuth2 configuration for KCM Control Center.



Required when ControlCenter!Install and ControlCenter!UseOAuth2 are True. Otherwise, you should not specify this parameter.

The redirect base URL of the OAuth2 configuration for KCM Control Center.


Optional. Defaults to 444 when omitted and ControlCenter!Install=True.

Not permitted when ControlCenter!Install=False.

The port for KCM Control Center.