Dynamic objects

You can set an expiration date for a dynamic object so when it is used for document composition on or after that date, KCM Core reports a run-time error.

You can configure search paths for Text Blocks, Text Block List, and Forms. A search path lists a number of folders in which an object is searched for to run a Master Template.

To configure an expiration date:

  1. In the tree view, right-click the dynamic object and click Configuration.
  2. Select the General tab.
  3. Check Expires on and in the drop-down calendar select the date on which the object will expire.
  4. To apply the changes, click Apply and then click OK.

To configure a search path:

  1. Select the Runtime tab.
  2. In each section, add or remove a search path for the object.

    Changing the search paths on this tab invalidates the usage information in the project and you should recompute it. To do so, right click the project and click Compute Dependencies.

  3. To apply the changes, click Apply and then click OK.

    Changing the search paths takes effect immediately for published objects. It affects the behavior of the production environment.