Standard fields for web services requests

All web service requests contain at least the following fields. The partner, customer, contracttype, and contracttypeversion fields identify the contract type that you are using and are the same for all calls within the contract type. The jobid field is an ID that you provide to relate the execution of KCM jobs to the execution of your business application.

Field Type Description
partner name CCM
customer name Local
contracttypename name CCMInteractive, CCMDistribution, or CCMAdministration. This identifies the contract type.
contracttypeversion version V1, V2, or V3. This identifies the version of the contract type.
jobid jobid Custom identifier for diagnostic purposes. This value consists of ASCII alphanumeric characters and must not be empty. It can be any meaningful value of your choice.

For logging and traceability, the responses to the web services requests are nested in a requestinfo node.

For more information on the types, see the next section.