Package cannot connect to database

If the package cannot connect to a SQL Server database:

  • When using a database user and password, verify that SQL Server authentication is enabled, and that SQL Server has been restarted. Also, verify that the password policy of the database user is set to "never expire".
  • When not using a database user, verify that Windows authentication is enabled, and that SQL Server has been restarted. Also, verify if it is necessary to set Integrated Security to True on the connection string. This is often indicated by the error message "Login failed for user...".

KCM performs a check on the database access, using the provided database connection string and database user and password. It checks the database access settings before starting the actual execution of various tools. This check is limited and might erroneously show messages about missing permissions.

To override this check, use the Instance!ContinueInstallationOnFailedDatabaseCheck and OutputManagement!ContinueInstallationOnFailedDatabaseCheck parameters to indicate that execution should continue even when the check returns a negative result. This does not override the check on an empty database and partner customer registration.