Aliases and imports


To use a single entry twice with different actual parameters, you can make one or more aliases for this entry. When creating an alias for a subentry, you can only use the entry and the alias once. You cannot declare an alias to be a main entry.


You can import exported entries into other DID modules and use them as subentries as follows:

  • You can split your DID according to the subsystems that you use for your application.
  • You can use and link information from different databases or applications. For each application you can make a different DID module.

Using the import/export mechanism of the KCM DID specification language, you can link different DID modules together.

You cannot declare an imported entry to be a main entry.


alias-definition ::=
ALIAS_ENTRY entry-name ALIAS_OF entry-name 
import-definition ::=
IMPORT_ENTRY entry-name IMPORT_FROM did-module-name 


ALIAS_ENTRY Postal_address_of_customer ALIAS_OF Address
IMPORT_ENTRY Customer IMPORT_FROM Relations_module