Read performance statistics from logs

If KCM Core is configured to log progress information (level 3 or higher), job statistics are written to the itpserver.log file. This information can help you analyze the performance and load of the KCM Coreconfiguration.

You can identify the statistics by the prefix STATS: on the line. Information is written as KEY[VALUE] pairs.

An example is provided here.

<date> 14:00:00.343[2] <KCM DP service name>1@HOST: STATS: SUB[14:00:00.000] STR[14:00:00.221] END[14:00:00.343] ID[Hourly job] OL[0] SP[0] CRM[0] SRV[ITPOLSScheduledJob] STS[3] IID[1]

The status line contains the following information:

  • 14:00:00.343

    Time the statistics line was written to the log.

  • [2]

    Log level (only shown if KCM Core is configured to log all information).

  • <KCM DP service name>1@HOST

    Identification of the specific Document Processor @ Server that executed the job.

  • SUB[14:00:00.000]

    Time the job was received and queued by KCM Core.

  • STR[14:00:00.221]

    Time the job was started by the designated KCM Document Processor.

  • END[14:00:00.343]

    Time the job finished.

  • ID[Hourly job]

    Job ID.

  • OL[0]

    Identifies if the job is interactive or batch. This flag is 1 if the job is submitted through the KCM ComposerUI for HTML5; otherwise, the flag is 0.

  • SP[0]

    Obsolete! SharePoint-related process.

  • CRM[0]

    Obsolete! CRM-related process.

  • SRV[ITPOLSScheduledJob]


  • STS[3]

    Completion status. Status 3 indicates successful completion, status 4 indicates that the script reported an error. Other values indicate that the job failed to run.

  • IID[1]

    Internal identification of the job. This attribute is based on the order in which jobs are submitted to KCM Core. However, this attribute cannot be used as a unique identification because scheduled jobs and maintenance jobs generate a STATS: line every time the job runs on a KCM Document Processor.

You can derive the timing for a job from the following information:

  • (STR - SUB) is the time the job spent queued waiting for assignment to an available KCM Document Processor.
  • (END - STR) is the time the KCM Document Processor spent executing the job.

Time in the STATS: line is based on a 24-hour clock read from the clock of the computer. The frequency of this clock varies, but could be as low as 60Hz.