Field Sets

A Field Set defines a group of Fields associated with a Text Block or Forms Definition folder. They provide an interface from the Master Template script to Text Blocks, Forms, and Content Wizards.

In Legacy projects, you can connect Field Sets to a Text Block folder or to a Forms Definitions folder on the Field Sets tab of the project Configuration window.

The questions in the Forms can use the Fields from the Field Set to save the answer to those Fields. The user who creates or changes a Text Block can use these Fields in the Text Block. Content Wizards can use these Field Sets for conditions.

To use the Field Set in a Master Template with a Form, Text Block, or Content Wizard, do the following:

  1. Create a Field Set.

  2. Add the Field Set to the Data Backbone. For more information, see the corresponding topic in the KCM Designer Help.

  3. Create the Data Backbone.

You can also use the Field Set interface in a Master Template by declaring a special FIELDSET variable with the name of the Field Set. See the Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide for more information on how to use the FIELDSET variable.

Field Sets are stored in the special Field Set folder. This folder is automatically created when you create a new project. You can create subfolders in this folder.