Map paper trays

The KCM Core scripting language provides the ChangeBins script command that automates the call to the ChangeBins program. The following information is provided for situations where the ChangeBins tools have to be invoked directly.

To change the paper trays in a Microsoft Word document, the ChangeBins tools must know which printer has been used to make the Microsoft Word document and on which printer the document has to be printed. This information must be issued on the command line.

 ChangeBins "document.doc" "original printer" "new printer"


 ChangeBinsW "document.doc" "original printer" "new printer"


document.doc is the full path to the document that must be changed.

original printer is the printer used to format the document.

new printer is the printer used to print the document.

The quotation marks are required to ensure that spaces are handled correctly.

The ChangeBins and ChangeBinsW programs also accept one or more /Section options to provide more detailed paper tray handling. This option is described in Selective tray changes.

To change the document "C:\My Documents\sample.doc" formatted for a "HP LaserJet 4050 Series PS" printer to print on the "\\xerox\xerox" printer, use the following command line (line breaks have been added for readability).

 "C:\Program Files\ChangeBins\ChangeBins"
"C:\My Documents\sample.doc"
"HP LaserJet 4050 Series PS"

The ChangeBins program shows the changes it made to the sample document.

Changing bins from "HP LaserJet 4050 Series PS" to "\\xerox\xerox"
Changing Bins of Section 1:
        First Page: Changed Bin 271 to Bin 2
        Following Pages: Changed Bin 270 to Bin 2
Changing Bins of Section 2:
        First Page: Changed Bin 269 to Bin 2
        Following Pages: Changed Bin 269 to Bin 2