ServiceType parameter values


In a Document Service, the file to be processed is placed directly into the watched folder. The KCM Core Directory Watch interface passes the name of this file directly to KCM Core. KCM Core scripts have access to this parameter as the $0 parameter or through the _jobid variable.

ServiceType= Control Data

In a Control Data service, a file with parameters is placed into the watched folder. The KCM Core Directory Watch interface reads the parameters from this file and passes them directly to KCM Core. KCM Core scripts can access these parameters through the $1 … $n parameters. The name of the file is passed as the $0 parameter or through the _jobid variable.

A parameter file has the following format.

parameter 1
parameter 2
parameter 3

The first line contains the number of parameters, padded on the left with zero ("0") characters to 5 positions. The following lines contain each one parameter, up to the number of parameters specified on the first line.

Example parameter file is as follows.

First parameter
Second parameter

This format is compatible with the Control Data interface used by KCM Core.