About application rules

Application rules determine which correspondences, if any, are created for a particular application event and provide important details. Application rules determine the Document Pack Template to compose for an application event. Optionally, they can modify the Data Backbone, the optional documents, and any other data, such as sender, recipients, and organizational metadata for the created correspondences.

For example, application rules can be used in the following situations:

  • If a business application sends out many events, and only some of these events should result in documents being sent to a customer. In this case, the application rules can determine which events require correspondence to be created.
  • If recipient data is necessary for the composition, but the business application is not able to modify the Data Backbone accordingly. In this case, the application rules can copy recipient data from the application event into the Data Backbone.

Application rules are only used for processing application requests. They are optional for processing correspondence or import requests.