
This script is called when a call converts a document into the PDF format document. You can modify this script to alter parameters of the DocToPDF command or to use an alternative PDF converter.

By default, the script uses Rendition for conversion from docx format and Microsoft Word for conversion from doc format. Starting from KCM 5.7.0, you can easily change this behavior by editing the script. For additional information, see the comments in the script file. You can find it at <KCM installation>\Work\5.7\Instance_<number>\core\Scripts\User Library.

This script is used in the following cases:


Parameter Text    Src;
Parameter Text    Dest;
Parameter Boolean ProducePDFA;

The parameter Src indicates the file name of the document to be converted to PDF. The parameter Dest indicates the name of the resulting PDF document after conversion. The Boolean ProducePDFA parameter indicates whether to produce a PDF/A compliant document.

For any additional customization of the PDF output, use the parameters of the DocToPDF command.

For example, to always embed all non-standard PostScript fonts, add the parameter EmbedFonts(True) as shown in the following example. To switch to the built-in Rendition technology, add the parameter Processor("Rendition"). These parameters override the global settings in the dp.ini file.

  Src (Src)
  Dest (Dest)
  ProducePDFA (ProducePDFA);

For more information on the command and available parameters, see the section DocToPDF in the Kofax Communications Manager Core Scripting Language Developer's Guide.

Changes in behavior since KCM 5.7.0

Behavior Before 5.7.0 After 5.7.0
Default conversion method The default processor of DocToPDF command (Microsoft Word + Amyuni).
  • Rendition for docx format
  • Microsoft Word + Amyuni for doc format
PDF vs PDF/A by default PDF PDF/A
PDF/A conformance level 1b 3a

This applies to Rendition and Microsoft Word. The Amyuni printer driver only supports 1b.