Remove custom contract types

The /RemoveContractType command removes custom contract types.

This command does not apply to predefined contract types, that is, all contract types with a name that starts with CCM, KCM, KTACCM, or KTAKCM. Such contract types are created automatically by the installation and never change.

  • Use the /Definition= parameter to remove all contract types described in the XML file.
  • Use the /Name= and /Version= parameters to remove a particular contract type.

Do not use the /Definition= and /Name= parameters together in one request.

You cannot remove contract types in use by a contract.


This command has the following parameters.


Required / Optional Description


Optional An XML file containing the definition of one or multiple contract types.

Use this parameter to remove all contract types described in the XML file. It accepts the same XML file as the /AddContractType uses. See the Create or update custom contract types section for the XML file structure.

/Name Optional Name of the contract type.
/Version Optional Version number of the contract type.

If a contract type described in the XML file does not exist, the removal continues. If one or multiple contract types could not be removed, the command fails, and no changes are made.


The following example demonstrates how to remove all contract types from the file C:\Configuration\Types.xml.

 ManageCM /RemoveContractType /Definition=C:\Configuration\Types.xml

The second example shows how the version 1 of the contract type ISVPerformAction can be removed.

 ManageCM /RemoveContractType /Name=ISVPerformAction /Version=1