Manage the configuration file

KCM Core creates an KCM configuration file. We recommend that you do not make any changes to the file. However, if required, you can modify the file.

KCM Core uses a default configuration file itp.cfg to run and create templates. This configuration file is located in the Config folder for each KCM Core instance.

This section describes the most important KCM Core configuration settings. If you need to change any setting, proceed to the steps below.

  1. Navigate to <deploy root>\KCM\Work\5.8\Instance_<number>\core\Config and open the itp.cfg text file.
  2. Add a setting and a value to the following setting.


A few defaults that KCM Core uses cannot be overwritten. KCM Core always use its own defaults for these settings. Changing these settings breaks KCM Core. Do not change the following settings:


You can configure KCM Core to validate at run time that all Fields in a Field Set variable are filled before using this Field Set. If a Field is not filled, the process fails. This validation is disabled by default. For more information, see Word processing settings.


With this setting you can specify the language used for the Template Scripting language keywords and standard functions. You can choose between English (ENG), German (DEU), and Dutch (NLD).


By default, KCM Core searches pre-includes in the templates/Includes folder in the ITPWORK folder. You can change this default.


By default, post-includes are enabled in lazy mode. This mode switches post-includes on when the @(inc(…)) method is used. Under most circumstances, these values produce the desired result. If the __INC expressions in the result document are not produced using the @(inc…)) function, the configuration file must be adapted to include the documents; ITPLAZYPOSTINC must be set to N. For more information, see Additional settings.

ITPPOSTINC=Y is necessary for ITPLAZYPOSTINC to function. If you do not use post-includes in your Template script, you can set ITPPOSTINC to N.


If this setting is set to Y, the amount_in_words function uses the euro as currency. If this setting is set to N or not present, the amount_in_words function uses a local currency. This setting can be overridden by the use of the euro function. Default is N. For more information, see Additional settings.


Controls whether a missing __INC document causes an error when translating a template. If this setting is set to Y, KCM removes the __INC() statement and continues translating. If this setting is set to N, KCM reports an error and stops the translation. Default is N.


Controls whether a missing __INC document causes an error when executing the post-include on a result document. If this setting is set to Y, KCM silently removes the __INC() statement and continues to operate. If this setting is set to N, KCM reports an error. Default is N. For more information, see Additional settings.


Enables the functionality to translate single byte euro character to Unicode euro character. Default is N. For more information, see Additional settings.


Enables the functionality to translate the International Currency Symbol to Unicode Euro characters.

Default is N. For more information, see Additional settings.


This is an ITP/(OnLine)Server-specific setting.

KCM Core restarts the Data Manager process if the credentials or environment change. By default, KCM Core waits 1000 msec until the Data Manager terminates and reports the EVL7102 message if after the timeout Data Manager is still busy. This setting allows you to set the timeout before the restart of the Data Manager. Default is 1000 msec.


Controls how long KCM Core attempts to connect to an unavailable Editorial Repository.

By default, KCM Core attempts for approximately 150 seconds to reconnect if the Editorial Repository is shut down or when an existing connection is disrupted. This setting has the format ITPREPRETRY=ia,id,na,nc.

ia is a number of connection attempts for interactive template runs. Set this value to 0 to disable reconnection attempts.

id is a delay (in seconds) between connection attempts for interactive template runs.

na is a number of connection attempts for non-interactive model runs. Set this value to 0 to disable reconnection attempts.

nd is a delay (in seconds) between connection attempts for non-interactive model runs.

KCM Core adds an additional small random delay between connection attempts to desynchronize multiple KCM Document Processors. The built-in connection retry feature in Windows also introduces additional delays, which depend on Windows TCP/IP configuration parameters and networking performance.

You should combine this setting with the job timeout feature of KCM Core. The default value is 15,10,15,10.

An example is provided here.


The preceding example setting disables reconnection attempts for interactive model runs and keeps the default for non-interactive model runs. This setting is available from KCM Core 4.4. For more information, see Additional settings.


This setting controls whether a KCM Core model or session can use dynamic content from a single project or from multiple projects.

As of KCM Core 4.4, dynamic content is restricted to a single project by default. Default is N.

This setting is available from KCM Core 4.4. For more information, see Additional settings and Word processing settings.