With the DocToPDF command you can directly generate PDF files from documents. KCM Core opens the Src document and saves this document to the file Dest in PDF format. For this conversion KCM Core uses either the built-in Rendition technology or Microsoft Word and the Amyuni printer driver installed with the KCM Core software.

Regardless of the conversion technology chosen, DocToPDF has the following parameters:




Src Required

The file that KCM Core converts to PDF format.

Dest Required

The destination of the converted file.

TimeOut Optional

The timeout for this command in seconds. If the word processor exceeds this timeout, the process is terminated and KCM Core reports a run-time error.

If this parameter is omitted, the appropriate default timeout value for either batch or interactive jobs is used. A timeout value of 0 disables the timeout.

Processor Optional

Selects the conversion technology used to produce the PDF document.

If this parameter is set to Word, Microsoft Word and the Amyuni printer driver are used.

If this parameter is set to Rendition, the Rendition engine is used.

For DOC files, the default value is always Word.

For DOCX files, the default value depends on what is specified in the dp.ini file.

ProducePDFA Optional

If this setting is set to True, the produced PDF document conforms to the PDF/A standard. The exact conformance level depends on the chosen processor.

For additional information on the behavior of this parameter for Rendition or Word, refer to the corresponding sections of this guide.

DPI Optional The behavior of this parameter depends on the processing engine. For additional information see the description of engine-specific parameters for Rendition or Word.

DocToPDF syntax:

   ProducePDFA (True or False)
   DPI (<number>)
   Processor("Word" or "Rendition")