Load Batch & Output Management metadata

You can load the metadata into KCM Repository using the LoadOutputManagementMetadata command-line tool. It is located at: <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management\Instance.

Prior to loading the metadata, export the metadata XML file from a Batch & Output Management installation. To do so:

  1. In KCM Studio, select the Administration tab.
  2. Click Configuration export.
  3. Select the location to export the XML file.

The tool uses the following parameters.

Parameter Required / Optional Description
Instance!Number Required Specifies the number of the instance for which the management task should be applied.

For Docker, it is always set to 1.

Repository!User Optional

Only required when the LDAP mode is disabled.

Specifies the name of a KCM Repository user with the "Allow login as Admin" right.
Repository!Password Optional

Only required when the LDAP mode is disabled.

Specifies the password of the KCM Repository user.
Repository!Token Optional

Only required when the LDAP mode is enabled.

Specifies the logon token generated with KCM Designer. For more information, see "Log in to KCM Designer and KCM Designer for Windows" in KCM Designer Help.
Report!File Optional Specifies the name of the report file written by the management action. If omitted, the default value is output-management-metadata-report.txt.

If the path or file name given in this parameter already exists, it is overwritten.

Source!Path Required Path to the metadata XML file to load.

The resulted report file contains a list of Document Pack Templates that refer to the Batch & Output Management metadata that no longer exists in the newly loaded metadata.


Execute the following command, adding the actual parameter values.

.\LoadOutputManagementMetadata.exe Instance!Number=1 Repository!User=<username> 
Repository!Password=<password> Source!Path=<metadata filepath> Report!File=<report filename>

LoadOutputManagementMetadata overwrites existing metadata. Predefined channels are not affected by this command and always remain available.