Uninstall basic KCM deployment


Wherever a Contract Manager, KCM instances, and/or Batch & Output Management are installed, Uninstall.exe will remove them all.

This tool can be used in all types of deployment. For example, you can use it to remove a basic (all-in-one) installation, or launch it on different servers in case of distributed deployment.

Uninstall.exe will not remove KCM components of other versions. For example, if you have upgraded your KCM deployment, you may have both a new KCM installation and your previous KCM installation though not active. In that case, only the new KCM installation will be uninstalled.

The tool works as follows:

  1. It asks for confirmation. Use Uninstall!Silent=True to suppress this confirmation check.
  2. It stops the Contract Manager, all KCM instances, Batch & Output Management, and KCM Control Center.
  3. It removes KCM Control Center if there is one.
  4. It removes the Contract Manager if there is one.
  5. It removes all instances, one by one.
  6. It removes Batch & Output Management if there is one.
  7. It removes the KCM structure.

When removing a KCM component, all its web applications, Tomcat services, installation files, and registry entries will be removed.

The content of the KCM Repository and KCM Batch & Output Management databases is not removed.

Before you start

Make sure the account used to run Uninstall.exe is included in the local Administrators group on the target server.


Parameter Required / Optional Description
Uninstall!Silent Optional Boolean flag that specifies whether Uninstall.exe runs silently or asks for a confirmation first.

The default value is False (the tool asks for confirmation).