Define a correspondence type

  1. On the toolbar, click Select System to select the system to store the correspondence type.
  2. In the Navigator pane, on the Folder View tab, select the folder to store the correspondence type.
  3. In the lower Navigator pane, click New > Correspondence Type.
  4. Type the name for the correspondence type.

    This name does not need to correspond to the Document Pack Template name.

    A new tab appears.

  5. In the Document pack template section, fill in the name and project fields.

    These values must correspond exactly to the name and project of the Document Pack Template as defined in KCM Designer. The name and project are case-sensitive.

    You can use either templates that use the Data Backbone or compatibility templates that use keys and extras.

  6. Click Add to add a document for each slot of the Document Pack Template.
  7. For each entry, provide the following information:
    1. The slot reference. Case-sensitive. Type the reference that corresponds exactly to the slot identifier as set in the KCM Designer.
    2. The slot type. From the drop-down list, select a slot type object.
    3. Optional. Overlay. From the drop-down list, select an overlay object.

    The order of the added documents does not need to correspond to the order of the slots in KCM Designer.

  8. Save the changes.