
To configure the CCM_Application standard process, you need to adjust the properties of the Application component:

  1. In the Navigator upper pane, select the folder. In the Navigator lower pane, find and double-click CCM_Application.

    The process appears in the central pane.

  2. Click Application Processing component in the lower central pane.
  3. In the Object Inspector pane on the right, click the ellipsis button to configure the following Application property, if applicable.
    • TraceDirectory. Select the folder to which trace files are written for the application rules. When specified, Trace Mode is enabled, and trace XML files with information on the performed steps are written. When left empty, no trace files are created.

      When Trace Mode is enabled, the Application component creates a subfolder in the folder specified in the TraceDirectory property for each application request that it processes. In this subfolder, the component creates trace XML files for all steps performed by the application rules. The files are written in the order they were processed and provide an information thread from the application events in the input request to the created output correspondences.

      Therefore, both the input and output are written as XML files to the trace subfolder for each of the following items:

      • Application event
      • Rule that matches the application event
      • Individual action of the rule
  4. Click the Save button in the upper left corner to save the changes. The changes are saved in the process itself and only affect the Application component of CCM_Application.