
The ExchangeDatacallback function is provided by a business application to exchange data with the KCM Core server. If provided, the ExchangeData function is called for every exchange_data function call. The client can then process the data and send a response back.

TCHAR * (*ExchangeData) (
void      *Context,   // Context field of structure
TCHAR     *Key,	  // The Key parameter
TCHAR     *Value	  // The Value parameter

The function has the following parameters:

Context. This is an application defined data. This parameter gets the value of the Context field of the SUBMITJOB4/ SUBMITJOB5 structure.

Key. The k parameter of the exchange_data function.

Value. The v parameter of the exchange_data function.

The ExchangeDatafunction function returns a pointer to the response it needs to send back to the KCM Core server. The memory this pointer refers to must remain allocated until either the next call to ExchangeData or until the API returns.

The ExchangeDatafunction function returns NULL to indicate that the data was processed successfully without sending a specific response. In this situation, the function exchange_data returns an empty text.

The calling convention of the ExchangeData function is cdecl when it is passed through the SUBMITJOB4 data structure to SSubmitJobEx4, and stdcall when it is passed through the SUBMITJOB5 data structure to SSubmitJobEx5.


Header, N/A.

Import Library, N/A.

Unicode, N/A.