Generate an ODBC stored procedure entry

  1. On the ITP/MDK tab, in the DID Wizards section, click New Stored Procedure Entry.

    The wizard appears.

  2. Click Next, select a driver from the list, and then click Next again.
  3. Connect to the server and click OK.
  4. In the subsequent dialogs, make selections where needed and click Next.
    • If required, restrict the list of tables to retrieve from the database.

    • In the procedures list, select a procedure to include in the new entry.

    • Enter a name for the new entry and select a type. Select WITH for a single entry to retrieve one record or FORALL for an entry where zero, one, or more records need to be retrieved.

  5. When you receive a notification that the new entry is created, click Finish to insert it in your DID document.

    The new entry is inserted. Make changes if needed and save the document.