Starting B&OM

This section describes how you can use the StartOutputManagement.exe tool to start the B&OM in your installation.

You can find this tool in the following folder: <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\5.7\Management\Output Management.

How the tool works

This section describes how the StartOutputManagement.exe tool works:

  1. Starts the main Windows services for B&OM (Core and Output).
  2. Starts all custom Windows services for B&OM that are set to Auto. This step is optional. For further information, see the Custom B&OM service hosts section of this guide.

    The following steps are required only if you are starting the B&OM for the first time, or you are changing its configuration.

  3. Creates a reference system named RefSystemXY, where X.Y is the main KCM version. This step only applies:
    • for primary B&OM installation
    • when a new repository database is configured
  4. Configures the repository database. The database must be empty. It will be initialized at this stage.
  5. Configures a runtime database in one of the existing systems. This step only applies for primary B&OM installation.
  6. Loads the content exported previously. For additional information, see Exporting B&OM content section of this guide. This step only applies for primary B&OM installation.

Execution steps

To run B&OM, you must execute the following steps:

  1. Open the command line interface (CLI). It could be PowerShell or Command Prompt.

  2. In the CLI, navigate to the folder where the StartOutputManagement.exe is located.

  3. Call the StartOutputManagement.exe file with the necessary parameters.

    If you launch StartOutputManagement.exe without any parameters, it will start B&OM with default configuration.

    If everything is correct, the process will run without errors. You will be able to follow the it by reading the CLI output.