
Retrieves streaming values such as a page counter.

ARGUMENTS propertyName Name of the property
RETURN Property value. You can query the following properties. The identifiers in brackets are those defined in modus four that remain valid to ensure backward compatibility. They are automatically converted to the corresponding new names.


Property Description
EnvelopeId Envelope ID of the currently streamed envelope.
JobId Job ID of the job or currently streamed document.
OMRCode Read-only. Current value of the OMR code.
OMRReset TRUE = A reset flag (all OMR marks set) is printed on all subsequent documents instead of the OMR code.

The reset flag is printed until the property is set to FALSE.

The OnStackEnd event inserts an additional document or an additional page after the stack that contains a reset flag for the production inserter.

StackId Stack ID of the stack to stream.
StreamFileName Name of the stream file.
Sysdate Current date.
Systime Current time.
VirtualPageDescription (VPageDesc) For a stack cover page = StackCoverPage.

For an envelope cover page = EnvelopeCoverPage. Otherwise, this is an empty string.


Property Description
StackEnvelope Envelope counter for the whole stack.
StackJob Job or document counter for the whole stack.
StackPage Page counter for the whole stack.
StackPaper Sheet counter for the whole stack.
TotalStackEnvelopes (EnvCount) Number of envelopes in a stack.
TotalStackJobs Number of jobs or documents in a stack.
TotalStackPages (StackPage) Number of pages in a stack.
TotalStackPapers Number of sheets in a stack.


Property Description
EnvelopeEnd TRUE = The current document is the last document of the envelope.

FALSE = The current document is not the last document of the envelope.

EnvelopeJob Job or document counter for the whole envelope.
EnvelopePage Page counter for the whole envelope.
EnvelopePaper Sheet counter for the whole envelope.
EnvelopeStart (EnvStart) TRUE = The current document is the first document of the envelope.

FALSE = The current document is not the first document of the envelope.

TotalEnvelopeJobs (JobCount) Number of jobs or documents in an envelope.
TotalEnvelopePages Number of pages in an envelope.
TotalEnvelopePapers Number of sheets in an envelope.

Job / Document

Property Definition
JobPage (PageCount) Page counter for a document.
JobPaper (PageCountExtended) Sheet counter for a document.
TotalJobPages Number of pages in a document.
TotalJobPapers Number of sheets in a document.


; Stack was processed by streaming...

; As an example, an additional page is inserted containing details of the number of pages/sheets, envelopes/jobs


TotalPages = stream.GetProperty("TotalStackPages")

TotalPapers = stream.GetProperty("TotalStackPapers")

TotalEnvelopes = stream.GetProperty("TotalStackEnvelopes")

TotalJobs = stream.GetProperty("TotalStackJobs")


; Load cover page for tray "coverpage"

document = stream.LoadDocument("d:\import\Empty_Page.pdf", OdinDuplexSetting.Simplex, "coverpage", "coverpage")


; print text as a test

document.SetFont("Tahoma", 16)


document.TextOut(20.5, 10.5, FormatStr("TotalPages/TotalPapers: %d/%d", TotalPages, TotalPapers), false, false)

document.TextOut(20.5, 17, "Number Envelopes/Jobs: %d/%d", TotalEnvelopes, TotalJobs), false, false)



; Print OMR-Reset character

Stream.SetProperty("OMRReset", true)


; Add document to stream

stream.AppendDocument(document, true, false)


; Free up the loaded document
