This functionality has been deprecated in KCM 5.7.0.

This command uses Acrobat Distiller to create a PDF file from a PostScript file. Adobe Acrobat Distiller is a third party product, which needs to be installed on the machine containing the Document Processor that will process the job. Adobe Acrobat Distiller is not included with KCM Core.

KCM Core instructs Acrobat Distiller to open the Src document and to save this document to the file Dest as a PDF file. The Src document must be a PostScript file. The extension of the Src document does not matter. KCM Core logs the start/stop events of Acrobat Distiller if the LogLevel is set to level 2 or higher (progress). It also logs other messages from Acrobat Distiller if the LogLevel is set to level 3 or higher (info).

The Distiller command fails if an Adobe Distiller is active running under another user account than the account used for KCM Core and the Document Processors.




  • Src: Required. The PostScript file that KCM Core converts to PDF.
  • Dest: Required. The name of the resulting PDF file. Any existing file is overwritten.
  • OptionsFile: Optional. Specifies the name of an Acrobat Distiller job options file. Such a file can be created by configuring Acrobat Distiller and by saving the settings to a file. By passing a job options file, you can convert a file to PDF with specific job options.
    If this parameter is omitted, PStoPDF uses the current distiller settings. Also, the job options file only contains the Job Options settings located at Acrobat Distiller  > Settings. Security settings cannot be specified through the Job Options files.