Connecting a B&OM installation to an external KCM instance

The following additional configuration steps are required when a Batch & Output Management installation is connected to a KCM instance that is located on a different server:

  1. On the KCM instance, run the InfoPorts.exe tool from the <deploy>/KCM/Software/Management folder.

    Open the created information XML file, and find the CoreService and Repository ports.

    For KCM instance 1 (and on Docker), these ports default to 10504 and 10600, respectively.

  2. Make sure that the Batch & Output Management server can connect to the KCM instance server on both the CoreService and Repository ports. This may require opening ports on a firewall and/or creating port forwarding rules.

  3. Configure Core to accept connections from outside.

    See the Grant or restrict network access topic in the KCM Core Developer's Guide for more information.

  4. Configure Batch & Output Management to connect to the KCM instance:

    • Open KCM Studio.

    • In the Administration tab, click System Administration. Next, click the system object.

    • Set the Host and Port properties of KCM/Core and KCM/Repository.

A secondary Batch & Output Management always connects to a remote instance. Therefore, its configuration always requires these steps.