Installing B&OM

This section describes a sequence of steps you have to execute to install Batch & Output Management.

You can find the AddOutputManagement.exe installation tool in the <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management folder.

How the tool works

AddOutputManagement.exe works as follows:

  1. It checks the requirements needed for the B&OM installation.

    If the check fails, the installation quits.

  2. It installs Batch & Output Management, but doesn't finish the configuration yet.

Execution steps

To install B&OM, you must execute the following steps:

  1. Open the command line interface (CLI). It could be PowerShell or Command Prompt.

  2. In the CLI navigate to the <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management folder.
  3. Call the AddOutputManagement.exe file and provide the necessary parameters. The order of parameters is irrelevant. See an example of the call below:

    AddOutputManagement.exe Services!Password=testpassword OutputManagement!Secondary=false

    To simplify input, you can create a script with the required parameter values and then use it to run AddOutputManagement.exe.

    If everything is correct, the installation will run without errors. You will be able to follow the installation process by reading the CLI output.

    If the installation fails, use the RemoveOutputManagement.exe tool described in the Uninstall Batch & Output Management section of this guide. to remove the unfinished B&OM deployment.

Connecting B&OM to KCM Instance

This section describes post-installation steps you have to execute to connect the installed B&OM to the KCM Instance that performs document composition.

  1. In KCM Studio, go to the Administration tab and click System Administration.
  2. Click System Object.
  3. Locate the KCM/Core and KCM/Repository sections and adjust the respective Host and Port properties.
If you have KCM and B&OM installed on one server, Host is set to localhost.

Next, configure the referenced KCM/Core to accept remote connections:

  1. Open the KCM/Core Administrator of the KCM instance that is referenced by B&OM.
  2. Go to the DP Manager tab.
  3. Enable remote access in the Security section.