Save and Load

You can save documents, and text files, and DIDs from KCM Repository to your computer and load documents and text files from your computer to KCM Repository.

To save documents:

  1. In the tree view, click the object or folder to save and then on the menu click File > Import/Export > Save to.

    The "Save to" dialog is opened.

  2. Select the destination for the file/folder.
  3. Click OK.

To load documents:

  1. In the tree view, click the folder to load the files to and then on the menu click File > Import/Export > Load from.

    The "Load from" dialog is opened.

  2. Check Include subdirectories to load the subfolders of the select folder and rebuild the folder structure in KCM Repository.

    In the Directory field, select the folder to load the files from.

    In the Mask drop-down list, select a mask. The mask determines which files are shown during selection. To select several masks, separate them by a semicolon, comma, or space.

    In the Files section, select the files to load. If you select a folder, all files in that folder are loaded. If Include subfolders is checked, all subfolders and their content are loaded as well, and the folder structure is rebuilt in KCM Repository. Empty subfolders or subfolders containing no files that comply with the mask are not loaded. If no file or folder is selected in the Files section, all files in the Files section are loaded, including all files in subfolders.

  3. If a file to load already exists in the target KCM Repository folder:

    Select Prompt to skip or create a new revision of the file.

    Select Skip to skip the file.

    Select Create new Revision to create a new revision of the file in KCM Repository.

    Select Abort to stop the loading process once a duplicate file is encountered. In that case, no documents are imported.

    Select Rename to have the ability to rename the duplicate file that is loaded.

    The duplicate check is performed on folder level.

  4. In the Target folder section, select the target folder in KCM Repository. You cannot load to the root of a project.

    You can right-click the project and select to create a new project or a new folder. If you create a new folder, it is created in the project that is selected in the Target folder section. If you create a new project, the configuration window for the new project is opened allowing you to configure the new project.

    The loaded files are copied and placed inside KCM Repository. After the load, there is no relation between the loaded files and the original files. Altering one has no effect on the other.

  5. Click OK.