Export Contract Manager configuration

ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe is a command-line tool designed to export an existing Contract Manager configuration into a .zip file. This configuration can be later imported to another Contract Manager.

This tool does not support KCM

5.2, 5.3, and 5.4.

This tool resides in: <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management\Contract Manager.

ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe tool can perform configuration export with or without infrastructure.

  • If exported without infrastructure, configuration contains the following items:
    • The log configuration of the Contract Manager.
    • The log configuration of the Contract Manager Registration.
    • The custom interfaces and custom contract types that are registered on the Contract Manager.
A custom interface or contract type is one that is created by the customer after installation.
  • If exported with infrastructure, configuration contains the items above, and also the following items:
    • Partners, customers and contracts that are registered on the Contract Manager.
    • KCM instances and contract associations that are registered on the Contract Manager.
    • The application keys and privileges that are registered on the Contract Manager

Before you start

  1. Make sure the account used to run ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe is included in the local Administrators group on the target server.
  2. Check your Contract Manager version. ExportContractManagerConfiguration tool supports Contract Manager included in the KCM product starting from version 5.2.0.


To view the list of parameters for ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe, run it without any parameters.


Required / Optional Description
KCM!Version Required if KCM installation is not active

The KCM version to export from.

Enter version number in the format Major.Minor

Example: KCM!Version=5.5

If omitted, defaults to the currently active KCM installation.

ContractManager!ExportConfigurationFile Required The file to write the configuration export to.
ContractManage!ExportInfrastructure Required

Boolean flag that specifies whether the configuration is exported with or without infrastructure settings.

  • If set to True, configuration export will include infrastructure settings.
  • If set to False, configuration export will not include infrastructure settings.
ContractManager!DatabaseUser Required when creating an export from KCM 5.2 or 5.3. Not allowed to specify otherwise. Account that the Contract Manager (export source) uses to access its database.
ContractManager!DatabasePassword Required when creating an export from KCM 5.2 or 5.3. Not allowed to specify otherwise. Password that the Contract Manager (export source) uses to access its database.

Notes on usage

To create an export from an older KCM version, use the following procedure:

  1. Open the Software\KCMTools folder of the KCM 5.8.0 installation package and locate the following files:
    • ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe
    • ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe.config
    • Nlog.config
    • All .dll files.
  2. Copy these files to the server on which the old KCM version is installed. All files must be placed in the same folder.
  3. From that folder, run ExportContractManagerConfiguration.exe.

If creating an export from an older KCM version, some configuration items may not be compatible with 5.5.0. Such items will be removed from the export. The result is a partial export, which can still be imported, although missing these items.

Import of exported configuration works only on KCM 5.5.0 version and higher. It is only supported for exports created with the ExportContractManagerConfiguration tool included in the KCM version to which you import.