
This glossary explains the key terms used in this guide in alphabetical order.

  • Channel

    The way used to distribute correspondences to the recipient. Channels are user-defined. For example, print, portal, and email.

  • Communication

    A Document Pack 1 customized for one particular recipient and one particular channel. KCM B&OM can deliver communications in two different ways: as printed output and as electronic output.

  • Correspondence

    A Document Pack that will be sent to one main recipient and optionally secondary recipients over one or more channels. This Document Pack can be customized for each recipient and channel. The Document Pack Template and the list of possible recipients are specified in the correspondence request.

  • Cover letter

    The first document in an entity. There are three types of cover letters, which can be used jointly or interchangeably, depending on the desired output:

    • Cover letter as defined for the Document Pack Template in KCM Designer.
    • Cover letter customized for a particular recipient, as optionally defined per communication during the communication phase.
    • Cover letter customized for the set of communications contained in each envelope, as optionally defined per envelope during the bundling phase.

  • Envelope

    A set of communications for the same recipient.

  • Request

    The XML file submitted to B&OM that contains input data used to compose documents and produce output for a number of correspondences. There are three types of requests: correspondence, application, and import.

  • Recipient

    Possible receiver of the correspondence. There are two types of recipients:

    • Main recipient. The main receiver of the correspondence. Information on this recipient is obtained from the Data Backbone for the Document Pack Template.
    • Actual recipients. All possible recipients of the correspondence as specified in the correspondence request. The list of actual correspondence recipients contains the original main recipient and/or different, secondary recipients.

  • Rules

    The XML files that determine which communications should be distributed for a particular correspondence, supply information about these communications, and also determine which Document Pack Template to compose for a correspondence. There are three types of rules: correspondence, communication, and application rules.

  • Organizational metadata

    The XML element that supports inclusion of custom business metadata in the Document Pack.

1 A Document Pack is a KCM term for a set of related documents created from a Document Pack Template.